Shifting Nervous Systems
incorporate the fundamentals of Somatic Experiencing & Polyvagal theory with your clients
update your tool kit for helping your clients through their own healing journey
Learn the ways of the nervous system and the tactics to unlock the beautiful magic of your clients’ bodies.
Feeling curious about
Why your clients don't do their at home work or why they seem to get it in your office but cannot seem to translate that into their lives?
Why some clients shut down in sessions & how to help them stand in their power more effectively?
How to navigate hard ingrained defensive responses?
What is going on inside of your clients when they’re giving you blank stares?
What is happening when your clients physiology does not match what they’re saying verbally (ie. holding a defensive posture when talking about opening up…)
Here is what you will learn in this live course:
Self grounding practices to ensure your own regulation during sessions with your clients. Lets face it, as with any relationship, we will trigger in each other our own lines of defense & our own stories. The Coach-Client relationship is no different. We will discuss how to navigate the moments when your clients stories or expressions trigger stress in your system.
Basics of the Nervous System through the Polyvagal Lens. You will learn the hierarchy between social engagement (ventral), mobility; like fight & flight (sympathetic), and freeze, fawn, & collapse (dorsal). With this understanding you will be able to meet your clients in appropriate ways depending on where they find themselves (which likely will change from session to session).
Tracking client physiology & learning what each presentation represents within the nervous system. Tracking is the ability to notice the physiological expressions your clients are having such as breath pace, eye movement, body language, physical shifting, and mental management strategies. With this ability, you will be able to maintain deep attunement to your clients needs & shift when is necessary to meet their physiological needs.
The Power of Pendulation in helping your clients’ nervous system reorient to safety so that they may begin to unwind their survival response activations. Pendulation is the first tactic in avoiding overwhelm and collapse or freeze in your clients & will help their nervous systems begin to rewire to be able to handle the complexities of what they are likely seeing you for.
How to Properly Titrate to avoid overwhelm & shutdown in your clients and help their system reorganize after stress and trauma. Titration is the second line of defense against overwhelm & collapse. You will learn how to notice when your clients cup is full & how to offset the steam before introducing more content for them to process.
Practical Strategies; putting it all into practice within your sessions. Every session we have we will explore the practical uses through demonstrations with your peers on how to utilize this model within a session.
8 Week
We will meet live each week for 2 hours to discuss, explore, & practice.
How to track your own system and what to do when you notice yourself getting dysregulated within a session.
Self Regulation within Sessions & Self grounding practices to utilize within sessions.
Basics of the Nervous System as understood through Polyvagal theory. We will discuss each state, it’s presentation within the body & outward expression of it, it’s role, purpose, and need, & how to track through the experience of each.
+ Presentation of each state under stress vs. safety.
Week 2: Collapse/Freeze
Week 3: Fawn/Appease
Week 4: Mobility
Week 5: The Hierarchy within the system
Pendulation, overwhelm, & the understanding of the strength of the stress/trauma vortex
Trauma vortex & it’s cues
(how to know when & where your clients are in their vortex)Counter vortex & its uses
(how to utilize & strengthen this as a stabilization tool) -
Titration & the importance of watching for & working with overwhelm before moving on + the “How” when we find our clients in a state of overwhelm.
Resourcing Strategies to help our clients regulate with you AND WITHOUT you.
Pricing Options:
$500 x 1
(1 simple payment)
$275 x 2
*(auto-payment only)