rewildIng prOCess

Hello Sweet Spirit! You have found your way to the ReWilding Process. My programs are designed to help you cultivate an intimate partnership with the inner workings of your peripheral nervous system so that you may know Thy Self, thy nature, thy essence. 

My aim is that this work settles you into the nest of your own being and inspires your wild primal wisdom to shine its radiant light over your life. There will be audio lessons within each program & embodiment practices for you to take this work beyond your mind & into your body where the deepest rewiring takes place.




Anxiety, anger, rage, constant worry, control, panic, irritability; all of these experiences have something in common. They are directly linked to your sympathetic nervous system. Our Sympathetic Nervous System is what controls the way energy flows through our body and subsequently how that energy affects our mood, our mind state, our perceptions and our habits and behaviors. This course is designed to teach you how to become an active partner with your sympathetic nervous system. It is designed to teach you how to navigate worry, anxiety, irritability, anger, rage, and panic for long term wellness in your body, mind, and relationships. I created this program to assist in neural rewiring and building your body's capacity to hold these big emotions and energetic experiences without being taken over by them but rather being informed by them for more empowered and embodied living. Your body has the map to guide you towards the life you want. It’s time for you to learn how to read that map.
