My journey to wakefulness has more to it than meets the eye.

My journey began young, and like most of us, out of necessity. My upbringing left me with the bitter taste of insecurity and anxiety that took up residence in my bones. At the age of 7, I began struggling with severe anxiety that quickly escalated to panic attacks. At such a young age my parents did everything they could to instill a sense of safety and security within me, and eventually, after a few years of the struggle, my panic subsided. For a time.

Then again in my teenage years, the anxiety reared its head, chuckled, and asked “remember me?!”. I had, and into its jaws I was pulled once more and much in the same manner as when I was younger. This went on for months and months with my mother unsure of what to do next. One night she said something hard to accept but that ultimately changed my life;

“I don’t know how to help you, you will have to learn how to help yourself.”

And so it began…

I set out on my path early on taking responsibility for my own wellbeing and began learning from some of the worlds leading researchers, philosophers, and psychologists; living, gone. I went on to learn from from the teachings of Peter Levine, Stephen Porges, Gabor Maté, Bessel Van Der Kolk, Brené Brown, John Gottman, Elizabeth Gilbert, Tony Robbins, Harvel Hendricks, Martha Beck, Stan Tatkin, Pema Chodron, Jack Kornfield, Hareesh Wallace, and many more.

I now am completing the Somatic Experiencing Program with Peter Levine, and am studying Psychology & Philosophy at San Diego State University.

I use this wide array of psychological and philosophical knowledge, most specifically Somatic Experiencing as well as knowledge I have gained over the last 7 years of teaching yoga, philosophy, and attachment theory and leading several events, retreats, and intensives all over the country. It is my dharma to assist others in discovering the essence of their being, just as I continue to journey on in my own self discovery.

It’s Time, Darling

Time for you to rediscover your passion, playfulness, and POWER. It’s time to get curious about your potential and UNLEASH & HARNESS what exists inside of you. Let’s take this journey together and discover all that your unique life holds for you.


Let’s cultivate your power today.