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Winged & Rooted

(more than a) Book Club 2022

It’s AMAZING how much wisdom can be shared through written word! We can turn back time at any given point to learn from the great philosophers from centuries past or learn from individuals who have never spoken our own language or learn from people with education and answers around topics we want to know more about without having to study for years!

And then there is the fact that there is nothing quite like being able to turn words into GOLD that transforms our careers, relationships, and our lives! When we take our lessons seriously there are 3 layers that information passes through in order to become true knowledge.

  1. The first layer is simply receiving the information and taking it into our minds. When we read books or listen to podcasts without discussion or any reflection or questioning, our knowledge of that topic doesn’t go any further than this level.

  2. The Second layer is contemplation, challenge, and questioning to understand the strengths and limitations of the information.

  3. The Third layer is trying it on for size and using that information in practiced form in our lives, our conversations, and in our relationships. In other words EMBODIMENT of the information.



This book club is specifically curated to take you on a journey through the knowledge pathway that touches on each phase of what it is to TRULY know something.

In the first phase we simply receive the information, in the second phase we begin to question and compare what we learn to find the expansion and limits of what that knowledge states, and finally we try it on and find out for ourselves just how valuable that information can be when we


The Winged & Rooted book club was born out of pure curiosity and a deep desire to share what the heart gains through the portal of language!

AND TO GEEK OUT EVEN FURTHER: our brain is even wired to benefit from talking about what we read! It allows the knowledge to move from short term memory into long term memory, from head to heart, from cognitive understanding to integration into our everyday life.

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Only 15 spots will be available during each round.